Create slack webhook
Create slack webhook

invalid_token means the token used was either invalid or missing.team_disabled means the Slack workspace is no longer active.no_team means the Slack workspace was either missing or invalid.

create slack webhook

no_service_id means the service_id ( B00000000 in our examples above) was either invalid or missing.no_service means the webhook is either disabled, removed, or invalid.A message can have a maximum of 100 attachments associated with it. First steps, you need to set GitHub secrets for SLACKWEBHOOKURL that is Incoming Webhook URL. The possible values for the status are: success, failure, or cancelled. too_many_attachments is thrown when an incoming webhook attempts to post a message with greater than 100 attachments. This action sends a notification of the current status of the job.The allowedmentions field of the edit request controls how this happens. When the content field is edited, the mentions array in the message object will be reconstructed from scratch based on the new content. You'll receive this error with a HTTP 403. Edits a previously-sent webhook message from the same token. posting_to_general_channel_denied is thrown when an incoming webhook attempts to post to the "#general" channel for a workspace where posting to that channel is 1) restricted and 2) the creator of the same incoming webhook is not authorized to post there.action_prohibited usually means that an admin has placed some kind of restriction on this avenue of posting messages and that, at least for now, the request should not be attempted again.

create slack webhook

  • channel_is_archived indicates the specified channel has been archived and is no longer accepting new messages.
  • create slack webhook

    The request should not be retried without modification or until the indicated user or channel is set up.

  • user_not_found and channel_not_found indicate that the user or channel being addressed either do not exist or are invalid.
  • The request should not be retried without correction.
  • invalid_payload typically indicates that received request is malformed - perhaps the JSON is structured incorrectly, or the message text is not properly escaped.

  • Create slack webhook